Japan and South Korea’s Attendance at the Upcoming NATO Summit Could Worsen Global Tensions

By Charlie Campbell June 16, 2022 11:12 PM As the military conflict in Ukraine bogs down on a slice of the embattled nation’s eastern and southern periphery, the geopolitical shift sparked by Russia’s Feb. 24 invasion keeps gaining new ground. This week, it emerged that the leaders of…

7 tips to help you remember new words

One of the most common questions from our Learn English community is ‘How can I remember new words?‘ Here are some of our top tips to help you!…

Tips to Improve Your Reading Skill

Learn how to improve your English reading skills with these tips to help you prepare for the TOEFL iBT® test and university study. Read in English as much and as often as you can. Read texts on a variety of topics. Read both academic and non-academic materials. Read…

Leadership Lessons From Barack Obama

Barack Obama was renowned during his time in office for being a strong orator and calm during a crisis. So what leadership lessons can we learn from the 44th president of the United States? Wed Jan 27 2021 Barack Obama, the 44th man to grace the Oval Office,…

20 Tips to Get a High Score on the TOEFL iBT Test

Here is a list of 20 Tips that will help you get the highest score possible on the TOEFL iBT, and fulfill your dream of studying at an English-speaking university.…